Which Ad Pulled Best? was created by G&R, pioneers in the advertising research industry. With over 200,000 ad tests, G&R maintains the industry’s deepest knowledge base about print advertising; we have poured 65 years of copy testing experience into the Which Ad Pulled Best?, which has been used at leading universities and companies. See what people have said about Which Ad Pulled Best? by clicking here.
Available in three distinct teaching modules, Which Ad Pulled Best? is designed to:
- Help course participants apply key factors that influence print advertising effectiveness;
- Reinforce a framework for thinking about print advertising content quality;
- Help marketing professionals become more confident about executing and approving print advertising creative; and,
- Teach students about the principles of advertising effectiveness.
About the Author
Scott Purvis is Managing Director of G&R, a leading advertising research company. Scott has spent many of his thirty years of professional experience working with key national advertisers in the healthcare, packaged goods, food, automotive, technology and financial services to measure and improve the effectiveness of their advertising. He is the principal researcher on many published and proprietary studies about how advertising works and is a co-developer of CERA, a physiological technique for measuring emotions-based response to advertising.
About G&R
Founded in 1948 by pioneering researchers Drs. George Gallup and Claude Robinson, G&R originated many of the advertising research designs now standard in the industry and is credited with having the face of modern advertising messages. Working with many of the leading marketing companies, G&R has tested more than 200,000 ads across all media and product categories and maintains one of the richest knowledge bases about advertising effectiveness in the world. To find out more, visit http://www.gandrllc.com.
About Persuasive Advertising
Persuasive Advertising is the 16-year effort by Scott Armstrong of the Wharton School to provide understandable and accessible guidance for all types of advertising, including print, television, radio, internet, and streaming video. Intended for those who commission, design, regulate, use, or evaluate advertisements, it presents evidence-based principles drawn from more than 3,000 empirical studies (some previously unpublished) in advertising, psychology, consumer behavior, law, mass communication, and politics. Much of the research draws upon the G&R testing of ads that were published in this series. Further information about the book, as well as evidence-based principles for advertising, along with tools for creating advertisements, such as the “adprin audit”, is provided at http://advertisingprinciples.com/.